Dear Friends, After 12 years, I’ll come back to China soon and I’m so happy. I’ll be in China in August. China Golddeal invited me. I’m happy to be the testimonial of this nice initiative: the official commemorative medals events. The commemorative medals represent the Emblems and Mascots of the Olympic Game (Asia & Europe). These objects and the Olympic Games have been always very tied. The Olympic Game represent always a meeting of sport very very important. Many athletes, coming from many different countries, can meet each others, know each others and challenge each others with loyalty in different sports. The Olympic Games have a particular charm, a king of magic that lasts for so much time. I’m sure that these medals will be successful and I wish to China Golddeal my best wishes for the initiative. A huge hug to the Chinese People. See you soon. Roberto Baggio 親愛的朋友們:
很高興受中鈔國鼎投資有限公司的誠摯邀請于8月底到達北京,事隔12年,我又要來到了中國。我很榮幸成為歷屆奧運會會徽、吉祥物金銀大全套的產品代言人。奧運會是一項非常重大的體育盛典,來自世界各地的運動員可以聚集在這個大家庭中相互了解,抱著對運動的熱情相互切磋,正因如此才使得奧林匹克運動會有著無窮的魅力,使奧運圣火一直延續到現在。而會徽和吉祥物歷來都是奧運會的重要元素,因此本次我所代言的產品具有很深遠的意義。 最后,我祝福中鈔國鼎蒸蒸日上,也祝愿本次代言的產品取得很好的銷售業績,也希望本次中鈔國鼎-巴喬中國行取得圓滿成功。 熱情的擁抱中國人民,很快就要見面了。 羅伯特 巴喬