加菲貓的十大經典語錄 |
發布日期:09-06-17 09:01:52 泉友社區 新聞來源: 作者: |
1.Your future is built on your dream,so just keep sleeping for a while “現在的夢想決定著你的將來”,所以還是再睡一會吧! 2.Today,i"m gonna do a push-up,push today,and up tomorrow. 今天我要做俯臥撐!……今天先俯臥,明天再撐。 3.I really don"t wanna get up,especially when i sick,but i still gotta persist in eating 真不愿意起來,尤其我還病了,可我還得帶病堅持吃飯。 4.I"ll never do anything bad to Ody anymore......maybe,,maybe not never you know.今后我永遠不做對不起歐迪的事,……也許,也許不是永遠! 5."Oudy is freezing out of the window.Poor doggy.I really can"t take this.No!Can i just sit here and doing nothing?I"ve gotta do something about this." Garfied drew the drapes. “歐迪在窗外凍得瑟瑟發抖,真可憐。我真有點不忍心看他這樣。不,難道我能坐視不管嗎?我必須做點什么。”加菲拉上了窗簾。 6.Hush,never tell "em i did something good,that will destroy my image. 噓——千萬不要告訴他們我做了好事,這會影響我的形象的! 7.Having a big belly is not awful,what awful is not having good stuff in it.Or,no good food! 肚子大不可怕,可怕的是肚子里沒有好東西。 或者說,沒有好吃的東西很可怕。 8.It"s New Year"s Day today,i decide to sleep onmore than 8 hours a day inthe new year,so,8 multiplied by 365 and divided by 24……121.6 days…… call me up by May the third! 今天是元旦,我決定在新的一年里每天睡眠時間不超過8小時,這樣的話,8乘以365除以24……121.6天……5月3日叫我起床! 9.Every time I do not watch TV on the meal, and sometimes my dinner while watching the television side of life, some changes will increase the fun 我并不是每次吃完飯就看電視,有時我邊吃飯邊看電視,生活中有些改變會增加樂趣! 10.I would like a star Xu. I do not really believe it, but in any case is free of charge, just like nciku, but there is no evidence that it is not working 我向星星許了個愿。我并不是真的相信它,但是反正也是免費的,就像nciku一樣,而且也沒有證據證明它不靈 |